Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Innovative Forms of Financial Institutions and Transactions - 825 Words

Innovative Forms of Financial Institutions and Transactions (Essay Sample) Content: INNOVATIVE FORMS OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND TRANSACTIONSName:Course:Date of Submission:In any discussion concerning the subject of innovation, the financial sector rarely comes to the minds of people. The underlying truth is that more than ever before, the banking industry is insistent on innovation at almost all levels. Donovan, (2012) informs that the current financial systems are in the run for creating innovative financial transactions. Even credit unions and the local community banks are in on the transformation despite their persistent problem of limited budgets and resources.[1, Kevin Donovan. "Mobile money for financial inclusion."ÂInformation and communication for developmentÂ(2012): 61-73.] Currently, the financial transactions space is becoming a platform for innovative ideas in both practice and thoughts, particularly when striving to develop the experience of the customer in the market setting. Frame, Scot, and Lawrence, (2014) suggest that th e modern financial institutions are strategizing their innovative end to their internal developments and customer-oriented strategies. The strategy then translates to the creation of innovative financial institutions and transactions respectively. On the side of transactions, customers desire secure, fast, flexible and easy forms. Innovative institutions are thus tasked with the role of monitoring the clientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s lifecycle and attempt to optimize on customer engagement. This calls for the adoption of mechanisms to facilitate mobile-ready and real-time client approach that will form an all-round solution for efficient service delivery.[Scott Frame, W., and White Lawrence J. "Technological change, financial innovation, and diffusion in banking." (2014).] [Ibid.] Regarding, the internal organizational developments, the key focus is on customer information availability. As Donovan, (2012), presents, the critical areas of concern, in this case, involve the client's information acc ess and the attached security. The possibility of allowing the customer to access his or her information easily, fast and with flexibility while at the same time protecting it from unwarranted access is emerging as a critical agenda requiring innovation. Additionally, integrating client's information to his or her financial account is evolving as a significant challenge that bars the innovation in the financial industry. Nevertheless, recent emerging innovative ideas in the industry include the mobile payments (wallets), true virtual cards, Bluetooth LE technology, and wearable payment methods are striving to address the challenge. On a general perspective, the advancement in mobile payment systems, peer-to-peer lending, online equity funding, and Cryptocurrency side chaining are meaningful milestones that innovation has worked on to define the future of finance despite the clientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s information security and integration challenge.In 1998, PayPay launched the first Digital Wallet, which worked to streamline e-commerce. Since then, the payment system has seen tremendous improvements that have leveled the economic competition playing field. Currently, patchy ventures activities are competing well with tech gurus like Google (Google Wallet) and Apple (Apple Pay) courtesy of the forward thinking of the global financial sectorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s motive to see through the establishment of the next generationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s best way of money transfer. Much of the recent innovative mechanisms are striving to establish a payment system (True digital wallet) that is integrated into mobile devices thus complementing or rendering out-dated the checks, cash, and physical credit cards. An example of the recent product of the mechanism is the Venmo, which is growing as one of the popular methods of settling petty debts. The app is primarily convenient because of its use in conjunction with the worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s most used social media site (Facebook). The app hence satisfies t he simplest co... Innovative Forms of Financial Institutions and Transactions - 825 Words Innovative Forms of Financial Institutions and Transactions (Essay Sample) Content: INNOVATIVE FORMS OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND TRANSACTIONSName:Course:Date of Submission:In any discussion concerning the subject of innovation, the financial sector rarely comes to the minds of people. The underlying truth is that more than ever before, the banking industry is insistent on innovation at almost all levels. Donovan, (2012) informs that the current financial systems are in the run for creating innovative financial transactions. Even credit unions and the local community banks are in on the transformation despite their persistent problem of limited budgets and resources.[1, Kevin Donovan. "Mobile money for financial inclusion."ÂInformation and communication for developmentÂ(2012): 61-73.] Currently, the financial transactions space is becoming a platform for innovative ideas in both practice and thoughts, particularly when striving to develop the experience of the customer in the market setting. Frame, Scot, and Lawrence, (2014) suggest that th e modern financial institutions are strategizing their innovative end to their internal developments and customer-oriented strategies. The strategy then translates to the creation of innovative financial institutions and transactions respectively. On the side of transactions, customers desire secure, fast, flexible and easy forms. Innovative institutions are thus tasked with the role of monitoring the clientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s lifecycle and attempt to optimize on customer engagement. This calls for the adoption of mechanisms to facilitate mobile-ready and real-time client approach that will form an all-round solution for efficient service delivery.[Scott Frame, W., and White Lawrence J. "Technological change, financial innovation, and diffusion in banking." (2014).] [Ibid.] Regarding, the internal organizational developments, the key focus is on customer information availability. As Donovan, (2012), presents, the critical areas of concern, in this case, involve the client's information acc ess and the attached security. The possibility of allowing the customer to access his or her information easily, fast and with flexibility while at the same time protecting it from unwarranted access is emerging as a critical agenda requiring innovation. Additionally, integrating client's information to his or her financial account is evolving as a significant challenge that bars the innovation in the financial industry. Nevertheless, recent emerging innovative ideas in the industry include the mobile payments (wallets), true virtual cards, Bluetooth LE technology, and wearable payment methods are striving to address the challenge. On a general perspective, the advancement in mobile payment systems, peer-to-peer lending, online equity funding, and Cryptocurrency side chaining are meaningful milestones that innovation has worked on to define the future of finance despite the clientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s information security and integration challenge.In 1998, PayPay launched the first Digital Wallet, which worked to streamline e-commerce. Since then, the payment system has seen tremendous improvements that have leveled the economic competition playing field. Currently, patchy ventures activities are competing well with tech gurus like Google (Google Wallet) and Apple (Apple Pay) courtesy of the forward thinking of the global financial sectorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s motive to see through the establishment of the next generationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s best way of money transfer. Much of the recent innovative mechanisms are striving to establish a payment system (True digital wallet) that is integrated into mobile devices thus complementing or rendering out-dated the checks, cash, and physical credit cards. An example of the recent product of the mechanism is the Venmo, which is growing as one of the popular methods of settling petty debts. The app is primarily convenient because of its use in conjunction with the worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s most used social media site (Facebook). The app hence satisfies t he simplest co...

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